Replacement hook fastener suitable for High Flyer, Wave, Power Pivot with Non-Drip Pad.
Sold in 12” (30cm), 14” (35cm), 16” (40cm), 18” (45cm) lengths.
Instructions to replace Velcro®:
- Completely remove the old adhesive hook material (Velcro®) making sure all glue has been removed with methylated spirits.
- When clean and dry, peel off Velcro® backing and place the adhesive Velcro® onto the High Flyer/Wave base, press down making sure there are no air pockets.
- Leave for 24 hours before attaching the microfibre pad and use.
For best results only remove the microfibre pad to replace the pad. Wash the entire tool with the pad on and allow it to dry. Do not leave immersed in water overnight.
*Longterm adhesion of the hook fastener to the aluminium or plastic is not guaranteed as individual conditions vary, ie. water temperature, chemicals used, etc.